The spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Europe raises many questions. The objective of this page is to serve as a library of useful documents originating from AREA membership.

Of course, each country will have their own formal policies and will be promulgating advice and guidance to their entire population. These always prevail and any other document, whether from the industry or any other source, must always be seen in that light.

The views and opinions contained in the documents listed on this page belong solely to their authors and are not to be considered as recommendations from AREA.



This AREA Technical Bulletin provides advice on what special measures should be taken at the time of COVID-19 when dealing with operation and maintenance of air conditioning systems. 


Czech Republic - CHKT

The Ministry of Environment issued a general pardon on any mandatory actions that imply from F-gas regulation until the end of state of emergency which has been declared on March 16th. Link HERE 


France - SNEFCCA

The Snefcca are regularly updating their FAQS on the use of ventilation and air conditioning in the Covid-19 pandemic context :


Italy - ATF

Articles, News, Guidelines for Italy to support the technicians during  the emergency and for the recovery of the business for phase 2 (Italian): 


Norway - VKE

Document: BNL recommendations (see attachments below)


Slovakia - SZ CHKT


Spain - CNI

The serious human and economic consequences that COVID-19 is causing throughout the planet, has generated a considerable volume of information that entails many changes in their daily activity for installation companies. In this section we have compiled the most important documents


The BESA Group are updating their guidance on a daily basis as more information and advice comes to light. The links take you to the web pages where the most up to date versions of our guidance can be found:



Document : Guidance from the UK Health authorities (see attachments below)
Covid-19 Information page on FETA's website, with a number of UK based links:



How to respond to COVID-19 and the risk to food supply chain (English):




India - ISHRAE

AREA & ISHRAE signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 2nd February 2020. For more information, please visit our News section. Hereunder is ISHRAE's Covid-19 Guidance Document for Air Conditioning and Ventilation: