AREA Vice-President International Affairs spoke about new training needs in the EU at the occasion of the ASERCOM-EPEE Symposium held during Chillventa 2016.
Training plays a crucial role in the phase-down of HFCs. There is a need to raise awareness on the use of natural and alternative refrigerants, the use of which will increase as a result of the phase-down.
Training will close the gap covering the important aspects of safety, flammability, toxicity and high pressure, which will need to be considered. AREA recommended global and European decision-makers, as well as industry to enforce minimum requirements for certification of contractors handling low GWP refrigerants in pushing their market uptake.
Mr. Buoni's presentation also gives a overview of training demands and training offers around the globe. A global agreement on HFCs phase-down needs to be anticipated by a global increase in competence of technicians handling the new refrigerants. The certification of personnel started in Europe in 2008; it is accepted and generally well implemented in all EU countries, which is an example of good work for harmonization of knowledge.
See Mr. Buoni's presentation below.