AREA was involved in an expert roundtable meeting titled “Selecting and Best Service Practices for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Equipment Using Next-Generation Refrigerants for Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection” in Pune, India on 5 March 2014. The event was organised by TERRE Policy Centre in collaboration with Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development. It was attended by about 30 invited experts from 16 Organizations including private Sector, national and international organisations, civil society and Academic institutes. Key points of the discussions included ozone-safe, low-GWP, energy-efficient Room Air Conditioning (RAC) and Mobile Air Conditioning (MAC).
Mr. Rajendra Shende, former Secretary General of UNEP, gave a presentation on behalf of AREA Vice-President Marco Buoni on the European experience in certification of confidence in ODS substitutes. For more information, see the attached report.